This paper aims to explore, via the perspective of photography, The Nanjing Massacre: Poems by Wing Tek Lum, a third-generation Chinese Hawaiian poet. Shocked by the atrocities committed by the Japanese army after the fall of Nanjing in December 1937 and filled with a sense of moral indignation, Lum wrote one hundred and four poems on this collective trauma of the Chinese people from 1997 to 2012. Making use of numerous verbal and visual texts compiled over the years, the poet strives to represent the horrendous war crimes committed by Japanese militarism and to reclaim this human tragedy of the twentieth century that has been denied by the Japanese government and forgotten by most of the world for decades. Through his literary intervention, Lum attempts to give voice to the long silenced victims, to issue a belated call for justice, and to pave the way for peace and reconciliation by means of history and poetry.
KEYWORDS: The Nanjing Massacre, Trauma, Photography, Wing Tek Lum, The Nanjing Massacre: Poems
摘 要
本文擬從攝影的角度切入,探討第三代華裔夏威夷詩人 林永得於一九九七年獲悉半個多世紀以前發生的南京大屠 殺之後,深受震撼,義憤填膺,運用自己熟稔的文類,針對 此一歷史事件,於十五年間寫下一百○四首詩,是為《南京 大屠殺詩抄》。詩人在創作中靈活運用多方收集的文字資料 與照片,再現這樁二十世紀的人間慘劇,藉此重新認據 (reclaim)這件為日本官方所漠視、為多數世人所淡忘的歷 史事件,企盼使之獲得應有的重視,為被消音者發聲,為受 害者尋求公理正義,以史/詩為鑑,進而避免類似事件重演。
關鍵詞:南京大屠殺、創傷、攝影、林永得、 《南京大屠殺詩抄》