Submission Guidelines

Articles submitted to The Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture must conform to the following guidelines to be considered for review:

  • Authors must confirm that submissions are not under review anywhere else.
  • Manuscripts must be submitted in MS Word electronically with a title, an abstract of 150-250 words, and six keywords.
  • Manuscripts are to have 2 line spacing and must be 6,000 to 10,000 words (including footnotes and works cited). Book reviews should be around 1,000-3,000 words.
  • Scholarly publications of relevant fields within the past five years are preferred for book reviews. For more details about book review submission and how to acquire reviewers’ copies, please contact Professor Kang-yen Chiu (
  • Manuscripts must be prepared for anonymous review. Name, title, affiliation, and contact information including e-mail address should be provided separately. Self-identifying references should be removed and previous works by the author cited in third person.
  • Use the MLA style (9th edition).
  • Acknowledge and cite all functional uses of generative AI tools (such as paraphrasing, editing, translating, etc.). Please follow MLA style (9th edition) for citing:     

    Works-Cited-List Entry
    “Describe the symbolism of the green light in the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald” prompt. ChatGPT, 13 Feb. version, OpenAI, 8 Mar. 2023,

  • British or American spelling is acceptable, but authors should use one consistently throughout.
  • The journal reserves the right to make editorial changes to accepted manuscripts.
  • Contributors must guarantee that their manuscripts do not infringe upon the rights of third parties.
  • Contributors must sign the Copyright License Agreement for NCCU Scholarly Journals Online and our website.
  • Contributors receive publication-ready PDF files and, if based in Taiwan, one copy of the journal issue in which their articles are published.
  • Contributors must obtain written permission from the copyright owner of any illustration or photograph, prior to submission.


  • 本刊接受以中文或英文撰寫之稿件。中文稿件一經採用,若含有中文書目,作者必須負責將之羅馬化或英文化
  • 請一律另紙註明作者姓名(中英文)、服務單位與現職(或就讀學校與系級)、通訊地址等個人資料,正文中請勿附上足以辨識作者身份之資料,以利審查作業。
  • 中文稿請提供:(a) 中、英文論文題目;(b) 中、英文摘要(400字以內);(c) 中、英文關鍵詞(六個以內)。
  • 來稿請以MS Word程式處理。論文長度以12,000到20,000字為原則(作者若認為必要可酌增篇幅)。書評長度以2,000到5,000字為限。
  • 學術書評投稿審閱之書籍盡量以近二年左右出版、原則上不超過五年之學術著作為主。有興趣投稿者,以及對預審書籍取得相關規範詳情,請接洽本刊書評編輯委員邱剛彥教授(。
  • 論文審查作業需時約三個月,錄取與否均將專函通知。
  • 本刊不接受一稿兩投,故未獲知結果前如欲另投他處,請及早通知本刊撤銷投稿。
  • 本刊採隨到隨審制。
  • 論文格式請採用MLA,詳細說明請參考《MLA論文寫作手冊》(第九版,書林出版)或MLA Handbook (9th edition)。
  • 投稿之論著如使用任何AI工具之功能(例如:潤稿、改寫、翻譯、產出文字、產出圖片等),應主動告知並提供使用AI工具之來源,引用格式請參考MLA第九版:

    Works-Cited-List Entry
    “Describe the symbolism of the green light in the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald” prompt. ChatGPT, 13 Feb. version, OpenAI, 8 Mar. 2023,

  • 論文經送專家審查合格後採用。本期刊有刪改權。
  • 稿內涉及版權部分(如轉載圖片等),請事先取得原作者或出版社同意,本刊不負版權責任。
  • 來稿一經採用,作者需簽署著作權授權書,以建置於本刊網站、 「國立政治大學學術期刊資源網」及相關學術網站。
  • 來稿一經採用,贈送當期《文山評論:文學與文化》一本及刊登版本電子檔,不另支稿酬。