
Special issues:

Literature and Linguistics (Vol. 1 No. 2); Literature and Violence (Vol. 3 Nos. 1-2)

Women, Consumption and Popular Culture (Vol. 4 No. 1); Life, Community, and Ethics (Vol. 4. No. 2)

The Making of Barbarians in Western Literature (Vol. 5 No. 1); Chaos and Fear in Contemporary British Literature (Vol. 5 No. 2)

Taiwan Cinema before Taiwan New Wave Cinema (Vol. 6 No. 1); Catastrophe and Cultural Imaginaries (Vol. 6 No. 2)

Affective Perspectives from East Asia (Vol. 9 No. 2); Longing and Belonging (Vol. 10 No. 2, produced in collaboration with the European Network for Comparative Literary Studies)

Transatlantic Literary and Cultural Relations, 1776 to the Present (Vol. 11 No. 2). 


Scott may not have produced much literature in which China featured but, as the Advocates Library Catalogue shows, there is no denying that he did have a collection of nine China-related books in his extensive Abbotsford library. In addition to collecting Chinese books, Scott used Chinese wallpaper, a gift from his cousin Hugh Scott who worked for the East India Company in Guangzhou, China, to decorate the drawing room at Abbotsford. There are also some fine pieces of Chinese porcelain and other objects in the house. I firmly believe that we could gain a better knowledge of Scott’s view on the country and its culture from investigating the novelist’s collection of Chinese objects. The intention to write on this subject is not to satisfy the writer’s personal whim; it is rather to attempt a broadening of our understanding of Scott’s relation with an ancient country as well as the expanding British Empire of his time. Moreover, it is also this work’s intent to emphasise Scott’s status as not only a European writer but also a writer with a worldview. 

KEYWORDS: Walter Scott, Abbotsford, China, wallpaper, Romantic Orientalism, Sino-British Cultural relation


摘  要


歐洲歷史小說之父司各特(Walter Scott)的舊居阿博茨福德(Abbotsford)收藏有大量來自世界各地的文物和書籍,對其中的中華文物(如壁紙)的來源和功能、相關的中國藏書和英國期刊進行研究是十分必要的。從中英文化關係研究層面上看,這可以揭示出十九世紀中英文化關係的某些面貌,為這一時段的中英文化關係研究提供重要的資料線索。從司各特研究的層面看,阿博茨福德收藏品可以反映出司各特對於中華文化的認識及興趣,及其在英帝國海外殖民進程中的微妙身分,同時折射出專屬司各特觀看兩大帝國交往關係的主要管道,證明他不只是一位著名的歐洲作家,還是一位具有世界視野的作家。 

關鍵詞:司各特、阿博茨福德、中華文物、藏書、 浪漫東方主義、中英文化關係

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